What this does is run a script that enables only core #1 every time you use the shortcut to open Phoenix Rising. If you don't care to watch, here are the steps:ġ) Create a shortcut for Phoenix Rising on your desktop.Ģ) Right click on the icon and select Properties.Ĥ) In the Target text box, paste this string before the current contents of the text box C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start '' /affinity 01ĥ) Click Apply, then Okay to exit the menu. This Video shows you how to set it as a default. The game is not affiliated with Nintendo/GAMEFREAK/The Pokémon Company, we just love Pokémon and making games. The game will follow a non-traditional storyline introducing RPG mechanics, a multi-choice storyline, moral ambiguous gameplay, rich characters, new mega evolutions and forms and much more. Pokémon: Phoenix Rising is a non-profit fan-made game created using RPG Maker.